Psychiatry Section

The Psychiatry Section of CMDA strives: To promote fellowship and provide community to support and encourage Christian physicians in the practice of psychiatry, as they explore the relationship between their faith and professional practice; To promote within the church the knowledge and understanding of valid psychiatric approaches to mental health and healing, consistent with Christ’s redemptive love; To participate in the local church and global missions.

Every year we hold meetings and seminars at multiple venues.  These include the American Psychiatry Association Annual Meeting, CMDA meetings, Global Missions Health Conference, Mental Health/Illness and the Church Workshops and others.  Venues below contain the recorded presentations by Psychiatry Section members at these events.  Please explore these resources.  We hope they support your efforts to integrate your faith and practice.

Current and Past Psychiatry Section Events & Conferences:

Section Resources

Psychiatry Section Home

Information Brochure

Section Membership

Psychiatry Section Blog

Library of Meetings and Conferences

Activities & Resources

Current Issues & Discussion

Dues & Donations

Contact Us

If you would like to know more about our activities and outreach, be placed on our mailing list, join the Psychiatry Section or have any questions about membership, please contact Administrative Secretary