Psychiatry Section

The Psychiatry Section of CMDA strives to promote fellowship and provide community to support and encourage Christian physicians in the practice of psychiatry, as they explore the relationship between their faith and professional practice. To promote within the church the knowledge and understanding of valid psychiatric approaches to mental health and healing, consistent with Christ’s redemptive love. To participate in the local church and global missions.

About Us

The Psychiatry Section, a ministry of CMDA, offers a forum for the interface of psychiatric practice and the Christian faith.

  • Promoting fellowship and providing community to support and encourage Christian physicians in the practice of psychiatry, as they explore the relationship between their faith and professional practice.
  • To promote within the church the knowledge and understanding of valid psychiatric approaches to mental health and healing, consistent with Christ’s redemptive love.
  • Contributing to the ministry of CMDA through participation, mentorship, prayer and sharing of our specific gifts and expertise.
  • Joining in the ministry of Christian missions.
  • Presenting a positive witness of God our Father, and Jesus Christ our Savior, and the work of the Holy Spirit to colleagues, patients and society.



(While each of us holds fast to additional beliefs important to our relationship with God, the following statement outlines the tenets that provide a foundation for our fellowship and participation in the Christian Medical & Dental Associations.)

I believe in the:

  • Divine inspiration and final authority of the Bible as the Word of God;
  • Eternal God revealed in Holy Scripture as Father, Son and Holy Spirit;
  • Unique Deity of Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, whose death and resurrection provide by grace through faith the only means of my salvation;
  • Transforming presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

Our Activities


We publish a newsletter three times per year and special updates more frequently

Current Issues in Psychiatry:

We sponsor a forum for discussion and comment on current and emerging issues within the practice of psychiatry


Christianity and Psychiatry Interface (CPI) Webinars:

In this series we examine a topic that engages the intersection of faith and the practice of psychiatry with the hope that it will challenge us to be better psychiatrists and more faithful followers of Christ.

Download here


Meetings and Conferences:

Attending members and interested individuals gather at professional meetings and conferences (APA, AACAP, GMHC, CMDA NatCon, and others) where we host focused forums at breakfasts and banquets. Special conferences designed for professional and general audiences are also hosted.


Career guidance and Coaching:

To healthcare professionals, residents and students - opportunities for new and seasoned professionals to encourage and assist each other

Domestic and International Healthcare Mission Trip Opportunities:

We participate in training events, team excursions and individual trips for ministry and outreach. Email us at [email protected] for more information and trip schedule.

Section Resources

Psychiatry Section Home

Information Brochure

Section Membership

Psychiatry Section Blog

Library of Meetings and Conferences

Activities & Resources

Current Issues & Discussion

Dues & Donations

Contact Us

If you would like to know more about our activities and outreach, be placed on our mailing list, join the Psychiatry Section or have any questions about membership, please contact Administrative Secretary 


Our membership includes private practitioners, academicians, researchers, psychiatric health care professionals, mission field psychiatrists, medical students and physicians in residency training from every region of the United States and many other countries as well.

Upcoming Events